
Posts Tagged ‘forum shqip’

Pershendetje dhe mire se vini ne faqen, ndoshta keni vene rre disa ndryshime te rreja ne faqen
Para disa ditesh faqa Poezidashurie ka nderuar pronar, keshtu qe vendosem qe te bejme disa ndryshime qe na u duken te nevojshme.
Ndryshimet e bera jane:
1.Kemi pershpejtuar shpejtsin e hapjes se faqes
2.Kemi vendosur nje Chat ku mund te bisedoni sa te doni 😛
3.Kemi shtuar ne menu dhe nje link Forumi i cili te ridergon tek webfaqa tjeter e jona qe eshte
Pra nese keni patur deshire per nje chat dhe nje forum qe do diskutoni dhe dhe do flsini me bashkatdhetaret tuaj ku do ne bote atehere tashme eshte e mundesuar per ju.

Ky ishte vetem nje informacion i vogel.


Dashuria e pare nuk harrohet, si mendoni ju?

Shiko rezultatet

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About us
Writing and reading love poetry is a way to get in touch with your inner feelings about the emotions of loving and being loved. Love poetry spans emotions from hate and despair to admiration and adulation. The poems offered here reflect that diversity. Love poetry is not only for "lovers" but speaks to anyone who has experienced the desire to be loved... that is it speaks to everyone. We hope you enjoy the love poems offered by