
kam vendos te vdes
vujtje te mos pres
nje lule te kuqe dua nga ti
je dashnori i par qe te deshta me shpirt
gjaki im rrjedh ne vena tu
zemra jote eshte vendos ne mu
fsheftsirat tua nuk ja tregoj as kuj
sepse un po vdes ato do ti kam ne at bot ngarkes
kur te mbledhen shoqerija
a do te me kujtosh ndoj her
a do tma vizitoni varrin
a do te nini mungesen tem
librat e mija
te shkreta dua me mbet
kur ti marrin ti shfletojn mu tme kujtojn

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Writing and reading love poetry is a way to get in touch with your inner feelings about the emotions of loving and being loved. Love poetry spans emotions from hate and despair to admiration and adulation. The poems offered here reflect that diversity. Love poetry is not only for "lovers" but speaks to anyone who has experienced the desire to be loved... that is it speaks to everyone. We hope you enjoy the love poems offered by